The Leopoldo Group boasts a
almost centuries-old history, which has its roots in the ancient tradition of the Neapolitan Tarallari.



From an idea of ​​Leopoldo Infante and with the support of Nunzia Infante, leader of the new generation of Neapolitan Tarallari, guided and supported by the family and in particular by their father Gianni, a new and exciting project was born, which they themselves like to define as a promise, made by those who love this art, keep it to those who taught, transmitted and handed down this art, father and grandfather Leopoldo.

In a small oven on the steps of Santa Barbara, in the historic center of Naples, a baker's daughter made a young boy named Leopoldo fall in love with her. Shortly thereafter she became his wife and together, going through a thousand and more vicissitudes, they opened a small shop in what was then Vico Tagliaferri, now Via Antonio Villari, behind the National Museum. It was the beginning of everything. Among the many carts that roamed the streets of Naples, their tarallo stood out for its unmistakable scent.

The inhabitants of the city began to love it, to tell it, to share it. That rowdy young talent became a true master, and at the end of the 60s he decided to grow and expand, moving to via Foria. What was famous as "the way of the craftsmen", soon became a symbolic place of worship for every Neapolitan, also began to be known for the classic production of products from Forno Napoletano. Thus was born the Bottega del Tarallo di Leopoldo.

Thanks also to the support and love of his children for this noble art, the workshop acquired ever greater notoriety and Leopoldo, now a grandfather, understood that the time had come to leave the reins to his heirs. These, in honor of their father, changed the name of the business to Tarallificio Leopoldo.

The company, from the time of its founder grandfather Leopoldo to today, has undergone a profound transformation. From where it all began, with the "carrettino" of the classic hot tarallo "'nzogna e pepe" (lard and pepper), three successful brands were born, synonymous with excellence, quality and link with the Neapolitan gastronomic culture. The Leopoldo Group, made up of almost one hundred employees in the sales, production, logistics and administration network, is organized into: a headquarters, the main production and logistics center (with adjoining administrative and personnel management offices); two further production laboratories, dedicated respectively to gluten-free and lactose-free products and to the production of taralli. The Leopoldo Group now has seven stores in strategic locations in the city. The current corporate development has led the Group's brands to establish themselves as prestigious reference points for Neapolitan food